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The Cloud

Reading list for a rainy July day

Here’s a very interesting, down-to-earth page about the iPhone by the FSF. It’s worth remembering this kind of issues that come along with the iPhone, as much beautiful and enticing it is. Some musings on OpenSim and metaverse interoperaility. But why does OpenSim have to be developed on C# and .Net? : Now that’s …

So what happens if we kill the “music industry”?

Short answer: Nothing. And I am sorry if Gene Simmons thinks the contrary.  Radiohead’s bassist’s u-turn on these issues is quite surprizing, but some of you know how the saying goes: “Money talks…” More seriously, should we care about the “music industry”? I may be very “French” in this matter, …

Could Cloud Computing be compatible with Microsoft’s strategy?

I don’t write that much about the overhyped “web 2.0” name, but this article from TechCrunch got me thinking. Could there be a new and an old Microsoft? Could there be the Microsoft we all know (Windows, MS Office, OOXML, monopoly) and another Microsoft (young, web 2.0-ish, cloud-oriented) and blissfully unaware of …

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