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Free Software

On timing and developers’ethic

Dear readers, I would first like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2008 will be exciting, but most of you already know it. Today I would like to tell you about something I have discussed here and on several other places, such as mailing lists. …

Miscellanea for October’s end

Lots of interesting things happened these last days, and I was slow to catch up with them. A few of my highlights below: Rob Weir from IBM talks about the upcoming OpenDocument Format 1.2 and that’s what will shut the mouth of lots of OOXML minions. I’ve had enough of …

From Darkness to Light

The Enlightenment is best described as an intellectual and philosophical movement that helped shape the European civilization in the XVIIIth century. In a way, it is the time where Europe entered what is sometimes referred as the « modern times ». Unlike the movie with Charlie Chaplin bearing the same …

Respect the Authors!

The title of this blog piece may surprize. Would I have turned to the side of the so-called content industry that is usually represented by the MPAA/RIAA and in France the SACEM? Quite the contrary. In fact what I would like to discuss here is what I feel as a …

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