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Free Software

The Spin-Off

The news are out and while they do not concern the LibreOffice project directly (insofar as this does not represent a change within the Document Foundation) I thought I’d be explaining a bit what these news are about and what they mean for the LibreOffice project. First, the announcement, as …

Understanding designers – or at least trying to

Back a few months ago I met with the team of La Fonderie in Paris and we were discussing opportunities of collaboration around some of the events that this regional agency for innovation and Information Technologies was planning. At some point several people were joining our discussion in a quite …

Wasted time?

Last week I blogged about the features of the upcoming LibreOffice 4.1. I tried to explain the way we work and why LibreOffice should not be seen as a product, but as a community. The post had some good success and a few comments as well. One of these attracted …

Making sense of the new features in LibreOffice 4.1

As the LibreOffice project moves forward with the development on its 4.x branches we sometimes get the feedback that while new features are documented in detail as well as in a summarized fashion (on the wiki and on the website), it is not easy to understand what’s unique about the …

FRAND, Uncertainty & Doubt

It’s been interesting to watch the latest patent litigation between Microsoft and Motorola. The judge’s opinion has been well documented (see Groklaw’s copy here and an annotated one there over at the Essential Patent blog). Now I’m not going to offer an informed  legal perspective in this post and by …

The case for Open 3D Printing (now with links)

3D Printing is all the hype these days, at least among some communities. What it really is however spans  a lot of different things, several different uses and in general many different realities. 3D printing has actual uses in lots of industries and can be considered to be born out …

Celebrate Open Standards and Document Freedom on the 27th of March !

More information available on the Document Freedom website Other links of interest: OpenDocument Format Information site (OASIS) LibreOffice PDFReaders

On keeping a name relevant

“Moved by Freedom – Powered by Standards”. This blog has been going on under that title for quite some time; since September 2007 exactly. I ran an older blog without the same name and title. These days, I’m still in the ODF development and promotion in various capacities, but I …

The meaning of the 4.0

The Document Foundation will be releasing LibreOffice 4.0 in the beginning of February. It is a big and important release for us, and a major symbolic milestone. We have received questions and comments, however, that were basically about our reasons to change the major number, from the 3.x to the …

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