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OOo Postings

Celebrating ODF… and a lot of other good things.

Tomorrow, I’ll be flying with Melissa to our honeymoon somewhere in the Mediterranean. It will be our first and well deserved vacations for over a year now. In this warm and quite busy month of August (my friends at Mandriva will know what I mean), I am reminded of something …

On Software obsolescence

Recently the Mozilla Foundation announced a new orientation for their email client, Thunderbird. It caused quite a bit of discussion, and we, at the Document Foundation, received quite a lot of public and private feedback on this mostly in the form of: “Now that Mozilla is getting rid of Thunderbird, …

Thoughts on the certification

On the 7th of May 2012 The Document Foundation has announced its first certification program. This certification is aimed at professionals who are interested in having their skillset certified in order to provide professional services to their customers. The program is currently being rolled out, in fact the first official …

RANDom links on RAND and open standards

As the British Cabinet Office opened a consultation on open standards and the best procurement practices for the United Kingdom’s public sector a wave of lobbyists, flown in from the US or just homegrown on British soil, came flocking the Cabinet offices near St James a few weeks ago. The …

Brand Confusion

Matters of heritage can be tricky to solve. Every family out there has had and will have its share of feuds, issues and tears. People don’t always stick together. Should we expect any better from corporations and organisations such as Free & Open Source Software projects? Today I would like …

The significance of a Foundation

It was quite a month for the Document Foundation; the press rightly picked our three main announcements: the 3.5 release, the foundation’s incorporation and our partnership with Intel. I would like to go back to the foundation matter and show why the two other announcements are made more significant by …

We are the 99%

The financial crisis people started to notice around 2008 is not just financial. It goes deeper than what we usually want to admit. It is about a fundamental shift in our civilization’s balance of power, our survival plans, our values and our way of life. I regret to say that …

October wrap-up

This was quite a busy month. I was happy and exhausted by the LibreOffice Conference which went despite my immediate perception quite well. When you’re part of the organizers you tend to see all the small and not so small things that go wrong, and regardless of what the other …

Happy Birthday LibreOffice!

It’s been one year, and I still can’t believe time has gone so fast. I would like to thank everybody who has been making the LibreOffice Project what it is today, and what it will become in the years to come. To the first founders and to the newcomers these …

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