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Links for a 29th of February

Today is a day that’s obviously quite unique in our calendar; the next 29th of February will be in 4 years from now; but a Wednesday, 29th of February will only happpen in 40 years from now. Therefore this blog should be celebrating with “something completely different” to quote Sir …

What Google+ is missing

When Google + was announced I was very much excited at the prospect of using a more open social network that would also bring something different and refreshing to everyone. I do not really like Facebook. It’s not just their privacy policies, or the never stressed enough notion that if …

Seasonal Greetings

It is this time of the year again; so… Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Merry Winter Solstice celebrations wherever you are, and a happy healthy new (calendar) year 2012. It’s going to be quite a year on many fronts, but I think we’ll get out of this one stronger, and we’ll …

A few thoughts on innovation

I was invited the other day to a conference about innovation in the information technology sector. There was nothing remarkable about that event, except perhaps that it led me to voice an opinion I held for years: I do not understand what people are really talking about when they talk …

October wrap-up

This was quite a busy month. I was happy and exhausted by the LibreOffice Conference which went despite my immediate perception quite well. When you’re part of the organizers you tend to see all the small and not so small things that go wrong, and regardless of what the other …

Links under the snow

Julian Assange goes out of jail, fears for his life, while Bank of America blocks payments to Wikileaks. I didn’t know that Bank of America had so high moral standards. This is why I do expect that, after blocking the payments process to Wikileaks, Bank of America will also block …


The Wikileaks ongoing affair is taking an interesting turn. This is not a blog about how Julian Assange is currently being hunted down under some quite opportunistic sex offender’s charge. I would like to discuss why I believe that the man and site -hunt that’s going on around the world …

It’s the Document, stupid!

Today the Document Foundation has issued a press release that marks the beginning of something exciting; but it’s likely that not a lot of people will understand what’s being explained through the multiple layers of buzz and general statements that were made. Here’s the statement: “”The Document Foundation is about …

Radical Innovation is needed for GNU/Linux distributions

There’s a certain movement these days in the world of GNU/Linux distributions.  I think we are experiencing one of these moments that starts with a question that has been asked and heard many times -should distros differentiate themselves in order to survive? & aren’t there too many distros out there?- …

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