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Free Software

Open Source is dead, long live Casino Open Source?

I don’t know if you, dear readers, have gotten this feeling recently; some people around the blogosphere seem to want to bring back the old troll of open source vs. free software. I would not really mind if these people were not prominent bloggers, journalists and professionals. After all , …

Microsoft needs a crutch.

I remember that a while ago, as I was attending a heated debate on the (in)famous standardization of OOXML. As we were arguing with Microsoft on some specification details, I happened to state all aloud that when it came to this level of security (the topic at hand was security), …

Mythbusting in the end of August

Coming back from vacations I think it’s a good time to set the clocks back at the right time. The month of August was not vacation time for everyone. In fact, there was a small revolution that went unnoticed if you did not pay attention to the events inside the …

Killer Rabbits

Just as I was writing that I was about to go on vacations, some story had to break about Essentially, the news are about Microsoft discussing as a competitor. That’s interesting, usually Microsoft does not like to speak about competitors coming from the Free Software Community, except when …

Links for the end of July

Sun shareholders approve Sun’s merger with Oracle: I hear Jonathan Schwartz did not show up to the meeting; I don’t know why, but it sure is a sad moment. Not because of Oracle (it makes things quite interesting) but because Sun is very likely to go away, and with it …

Does Mono even matter anymore these days?

I may surprise many of the readers of this blog, but as the title puts it, this blog is about how Mono does not matter anymore. Actually, I believe it stopped mattering 24 hours ago. But let me go back quickly on the last weeks and the come-back of Mono …

It’s official, MS Office looks like The Gimp.

Taken from the GullFOSS blog, Andreas Mertel’s post, this is how MS Office 2008 on Mac OS X may look like, if you don’t pay enough attention: Now this is, after 5 minutes of fiddling with pretty much every toolbar possible, how 3.01 looks on my Fedora 10: To …

Standards for Change

Dear Readers As many of you know, Ars Aperta has been active in standardization ever since its inception. Shortly after starting our business in 2006, we realized how critical a standard like OpenDocument Format would become for the ICT world. By creating an effective, xml based format for office documents, …

Links for the 20th of May 2009

I wrote a bit more about Ars Aperta’s new certification project. The basic idea is to award certifications to organizations that contribute or lead FOSS projects. Several types of certification exist, but in this article I discuss the specifics of what is probably the first comprehensive FOSS certification to date …

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