Hacking LibreOffice in Paris

800px-ParisHackfest2014Friday and Saturday were great days of excitement: The LibreOffice Hackfest in Montreuil, organized by the Document Foundation and Simplon.co, a “startup factory” born in a large struggling -yet charming- urban neighbourhood next to Paris, gathered active developers of the project and members of Simplon Co.  The hackfest was a success and a great opportunity to work together on various tasks.

Developers were able to work on OOXML filters, performance improvements, hacking on the integration of the Firebird as the database behind the Base module…


…. as well as interacting with members of the french community and students from Simplon Co.


Less technical particpants (such as yours truly) had the opportunity to work on the Bern Conference planning, the messaging of the upcoming LibreOffice releases, and explain how the LibreOffice project works to our guests. And of course, food and drinks were not forgotten during the Friday evening…


Thank you everyone who participated, to Simplon Co. for their hospitality, to our dev team, to Collabora, and to the volunteers who made this event possible. Santé!

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