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About friggin’time…

President Obama sure must have had a good week-end. After having given Donald Trump a run for his money he announced this morning that U.S. special forces had shot down Ossama Ben Laden not far from the capital of Pakistan (Pakistan, the best allies of America in the war on …

Links for the end of April

I am having a very busy month of April, but I mean, a really busy one. I am alive and kicking, but I am swamped. Here’s a couple of links before an even more active month of May: Ars Aperta has contributed to a pretty interesting project, dubbed ODFgr and …

Legacy should never be a burden

This post will be short, but somewhat important. A couple of months after we started the Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project, a new sociological trend started to emerge inside our community. While it’s clear we were and are the continuation of the OpenOffice project judging both by the numbers …

What does Community really mean? (Part 2)

In the first part of this essay I attempted to describe how communities around Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) projects are born and what is their underlying model. After having described the conditions necessary to have communities emerge around Free and Open Source Software I used Simon Phipps’ s …

What does Community really mean? (Part 1)

How do you define”Community” in Free and Open Source Software projects? What are the roles of a community? How does one become part of a community? I think these are important questions the LibreOffice project and the Free & Open Source Software in general, and I would like to talk …


The news of the giant earthquake, tsunami and of the situation at several nuclear powerplants near the epicenter of the quake must have reached pretty much everyone on the Web. I have just read that a new earthquake of magnitude 7 is expected to happen anytime between tonight and the …

Week-end in Cassis

Sometimes I do take off my computer. That’s the case this week-end as I’m in Cassis on the French Riviera. May you enjoy your week-end as much as I am enjoying mine. Posted from WordPress for Android

The first LibreOffice Conference will be in Paris!

First, apologies should be made here: The choice of Paris for this conference is a story in itself, and the real issue here is that there was minimal community discussion on this. It all started with yours truly announcing that the OOoCON 2011 would take place in Paris… That wasn’t …

Made by the people, for the people

This has been again several crazy days since I last posted anything here, and I apologize for this repeated inconvenience. At least my relative silence (you can read my dents and tweets just right to this column) was a sign that something tremendously good happened. The Document Foundation had previously …

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