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Open Standards

Running for the board of the Open Source Initiative – a few words

Well, it has been a while I have posted anything on this blog, a little bit over a hear to be precise. I intend to post more in 2018 but I will likely not keep a regular schedule. Today I would like to explain my reasons for my candidacy at …

Calendar sharing in the XXIst century

This post is a bit of a rant, and I think it will resonate with people who have chosen to use online and shared calendars that are not provided by either Google or Microsoft. I will write it from the beginning: I still cannot believe we cannot achieve proper calendar …

An Emacs Update

It’s been a while I have not written about Emacs and more particularly my personal use case for Emacs. I started using Emacs because I was looking for a text editor capable of handling formats such as HTML and CSS; then I found out Emacs had quite convenient IRC clients …

Not so fast, open standards!

My friend Andrew Updegrove wrote a surprising essay in his latest blog post about the irrelevance of open standards. More exactly his point, if I understood correctly, was that open standards were becoming irrelevant as a topic as everyone is using and relying on them, and the software industry can …

The importance of the Document Liberation Project

Today I would like to focus on a quite interesting project, even though it is rarely spoken of: The Document Liberation Project. The Document Liberation Project is LibreOffice’s sister project and is hosted inside the Document Foundation; it keeps its own distinct goals and ecosystem however. We often think of …

Pondering the future of the Document Foundation

This past week we had had the pleasure to welcome both our new marketing assistant and the new board of directors of the Document Foundation. I would like to say a few words on where the Document Foundation stands now – and I must stress that I’m confident the new …

Status report on Emacs

It has been some time I have not shared some news about my increasing use of Emacs. This post will be just about that. Let me quickly summarize what I do with Emacs on a daily basis: email (mu4e) note taking (org-mode) blogging (org-mode, markdown, html) project management (org-mode) IRC …

LibreOffice Online is here!

This week Collabora has shown an early testing version of the cloud version of LibreOffice integrated with an Owncloud instance. To me and others, this marks a significant milestone in the story of LibreOffice and the Document Foundation. I’m aware that the code is not stabilized and there’s much work …

Does the Open Document Format still matter?

One of the core topics of this blog -at least one of the main reasons it came to existence- was open standards: their benefits, their advantages, and their value as a fundamental component for digital innovation and ultimately software freedom. This is still the case of course, but today I …

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