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Back from FOSDEM, time for links!

It’s been two busy weeks for me: Releasing LibreOffice 3.3, working on several professional projects, attending FOSDEM, etc. In a word, I got swamped but I’m coming back. Below is a series of links for February: LibreOffice 3.3.1 RC1 is released. You will mostly notice the new icons unless you …

Yes We Can

Yesterday the Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 3.3 . I guess you may already have seen the news if you read this blog. I wanted to express my joy and my pride of our community who made this release possible. Not only did we make our first release, but we …

Starting 2011 : a progress report on LibreOffice

Now that everyone is back from the Holiday Season the LibreOffice mailing lists and repositories are again bristling with activity. In fact we did progress in several ways and I would like to give a brief update on what we did and what we’re working on now. The Document Foundation …

The tragedy of Soapboxing

Recently we had a bunch of quite furious people storming one of our lists at the Document Foundation. The issue at stake was that someone understood that LibreOffice was going to have OOXML filters. It sparkled quite some debate and I read so many inaccuracies, not say so much outright …

How to move from to LibreOffice: A message to localizers & International communities

These past days I was contacted by several leads of native-language teams of who asked me this question: How can we start to work on the localization of LibreOffice? The answer is very easy, but it might not be that easy for ever. Let me explain: Right now you …

Merry Christmas!

Dear Readers, Merry Christmas to you all, filled with love, warmth, presents, joy and health. I would like to give a special thanks to my family and Melissa with whom I will be blessed to spend this Christmas. I do look forward spending many more Christmas with them! I would …

Links under the snow

Julian Assange goes out of jail, fears for his life, while Bank of America blocks payments to Wikileaks. I didn’t know that Bank of America had so high moral standards. This is why I do expect that, after blocking the payments process to Wikileaks, Bank of America will also block …


The Wikileaks ongoing affair is taking an interesting turn. This is not a blog about how Julian Assange is currently being hunted down under some quite opportunistic sex offender’s charge. I would like to discuss why I believe that the man and site -hunt that’s going on around the world …

The Renaissance of the Renaissance Project?

Forgive the title above; but these past days we started to receive more and more questions about the Renaissance Project and whether we would continue its works and implement its changes. I think this calls for some clarification. The LibreOffice Project led by the  Document Foundation is the successor …

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