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OpenMandriva takes off

The OpenMandriva community is moving on. The statutes of the “OpenMandriva Association” have been sent to the French authorities and the incorporation process has thus started. At the same time, preparations are ongoing to migrate both the actual development environment of the distribution and the entire community infrastructure. On top …

On Software obsolescence

Recently the Mozilla Foundation announced a new orientation for their email client, Thunderbird. It caused quite a bit of discussion, and we, at the Document Foundation, received quite a lot of public and private feedback on this mostly in the form of: “Now that Mozilla is getting rid of Thunderbird, …

Links for mid-June

I am busy these days. Not just busy with the Document Foundation and Mandriva, but busy as the Big Day is approaching. A few hints of what’s coming up next week are given below. But first, on to more “casual” news: I was honoured to be interviewed together with Michael …


I usually avoid to talk much about my day job and what my company is working on, but I will make an exception for this one. Starting today, I will be assisting Mandriva in its Open Source strategy and its relations with the community. Mandriva has had rough times lately, …

Links for the end of May

Fascinating article about the follow-up of the Google-Oracle lawsuit; of course, it’s worth pointing out that despite all the FUD, the “patent case” itself is over. In a different style and on a different topic, yet still belonging to the FOSS/Legal discussion, here are Richard Fontana’s latest presentation slides, specifically …

Community, customer service and Free Software

This is an edited version of a post of mine on the discuss mailing list of LibreOffice. The thread is ongoing at the moment I’m editing this post. Feedback and questions welcome. Listening to user feedback hardly makes up a democracy. It’s user feedback. In some cases it might be …

ArchLinux, not just for the elite

… and I’m the living proof of it! I had several colleagues, friends and people asking me whether they should run Arch Linux on their desktops or laptops. I even read someone’s blog today on his impression on Arch Linux and Ubuntu. It’s time for me to jump in and …

AppSet: a refreshingly nice package manager for Arch Linux in the times of app stores

In this post I will not talk about LibreOffice or open standards  but I thought this could be of interest to GNU/Linux users out there so feel free to comment and discuss. I’m a rather outspoken user of Arch Linux after having used and tried many other distributions (MandrakeSoft/Mandriva, Suse, …

PPAs and LibreOffice

Waow, two posts in two days. I have to calm down. Anyway, I wanted to answer publicly to a question that has been asked on our mailing lists, on IRC, through private mails, and I’m sure it will be asked by the press at some point. I’m not an Ubuntu …

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