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What’s hot this summer?

I have been pretty busy these days, travelling to Brussels, London and also Bordeaux (that last one for one of my best friends’ thirtiest birthday) and as a result I haven’t had the time to blog as regularly as I wanted. So I thought I could briefly discuss what will …

Miscellanea for Mid-June

Some random stuff for this week-end. Hope it is sunny for you all. I’m writing -as usual- from Paris but my thoughts are geared towards Le Mans’ s 24 hours car race. Go Corvette! – Are the GPL and mergers compatible? That’s the topic I have recently discussed on FOSSBazaar … 3.0 Beta: Creativity Extended

We’re now on the 9 th of May and the final version of OOXML is still not be published either by the ISO or the Ecma as they had to do so. This ongoing scandal affects the industry as a whole and proves once again that OOXML has never been …

Easter Links

Today the Easter Bunny (that means me on this blog), who’s very early because it’s Good Friday but also the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad and the first day of Spring, is bringing you some links for you to read this week-end. – Rick Jelliffe gets a cold shower by …

Musings on software licensing

Very recently, the project has made two very important announced that will help shape the way the project will work and evolve in the future. As we are in the eve of the release of 2.4, I thought it might be the time to discuss the reasons underlying …

Releasing… and a song

Hear, hear ! should be released on the 13 of March 2008. That means… soon. I thought I would link to the list new features of this last major release of before the 3.0. In short, this release will allow direct PDF import and limited handling of PDF/A. …

Rumours of Microsoft opening up greatly exaggerated

Before you run away from this page thinking that I will vomit the snakes of hell on Microsoft’s latest press release, I just wanted clarify that it will not be the case, because I think the message Microsoft has sent yesterday has been completely misunderstood. Here’s why. To be sure, …

Does anybody care about Mr. Gates’s visit in Paris?

I think this is a question worth asking. Although this links to an article in French, you’ll probably get the idea: Bill Gates is visiting my beautiful city, Paris, just like many other well-known figures the U.S have brought to the world, such as Britney Spears, Georges W. Bush and …

The Year of the 3.0

2008 will be a year many will remember. At least, it will be known as the year where the stock market plummeted and the subprime-inducted crisis took millions of Americans out of their home. On a lighter note, 2008 will also be remembered as the year of the “3.0” for …

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