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Preliminary thoughts on the implementation of ODF in Microsoft Office.

To keep this post simple and clear, I would like to clarify two things: First, I have not tested the SP2 of Microsoft Office 2007, and hence I cannot relate my own experience of Microsoft’s implementation of ODF. Second, I do believe that given the information we have, and as …

News of the Weird (April issue)

IBM votes for OOXML at the ANSI (the U.S. standards body) and the Microsoft-sponsored mob rejoices. The problem? Despite what it seems, the rules of the particular TC at the ANSI did not allow members to go against a previous ISO vote on the standard. In short, Jesper & Co …

“J’y suis, j’y reste”

It is often pretty easy, and sometimes pretty boring as well to explain trends and patterns in decision-making and mentalities by alluding to the uniqueness of one given generation. I am not a big fan of the class holistics of marxism, and I therefore tend to buy more into the …

Doubts & Hopes

This post is a follow-up of yesterday’s piece, Predictions & Resolutions. Today I will list many things that do not relate to I.T. , some others that do. But in general, I’ll share what I’m mostly uncertain with for the year 2009.Doubts  Israël has the right to exist, live in peace. …

Predictions & Resolutions

The time of the year for predictions started in December, the time of resolutions started a few days ago. Let’s tie those together in this post…Predictions:  It will be a great year for Free & Open Source Software. I know it’s been written several times that because of dwindling I.T. …

“Mission Accomplished!”… or so they said

 The news have fallen out of the teleprompters. I couldn’t keep that for much longer. I’m giggling on my chair and nibbling sheets of paper. Outside, people are gathering on the sidewalks. You could almost guess the humming of the press and the accelerating trucks of local news networks everywhere …

The Party, the Crash, and the 3.0

Now it’s been days, and more than a week I haven’t blogged. The reason is simple: I was swamped. But I ended up exhausted and happy. We’ve been releasing the 3.0. Yes, we did it, and we also threw a major party at the headquarters of the Region Île de …

Rhinoceros, Final Version

That’s official, and an interesting, sad, and probably ridiculous page of the I.T. History is about to be turned: OOXML has been published in its final version. Has it really? Well, it turns out that OOXML does have lots of tricks up its sleeve. It seems that the specification document …

Teenage Riot?

Now this is becoming interesting, or perhaps just very unfortunate: The countries appealing against the ISO procedure on the OOXML standardization have signed and sent a letter of protest to the ISO. “ CONSEGI 2008 DECLARATION We, the undersigned representatives of state IT organisations from Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela,  Ecuador, …

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