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Open Source

The Thunderbird hypothesis

(NB: the opinions expressed in this post are entirely mine and do not necessarily represent the views of the Document Foundation.) A few days ago Mozilla published a study by Simon Phipps about the possible choices of entities that could host the Thunderbird project. The finalists, for the lack of …

The importance of the Document Liberation Project

Today I would like to focus on a quite interesting project, even though it is rarely spoken of: The Document Liberation Project. The Document Liberation Project is LibreOffice’s sister project and is hosted inside the Document Foundation; it keeps its own distinct goals and ecosystem however. We often think of …

Free Software’s ultimate irony is its pretended lack of credibility

There’s a meme that is almost as old as Free and Open Source Software itself: FOSS is not credible enough for corporate use. Of course, people spreading that meme do not deal with the cognitive dissonance brought in by the likes of Red Hat, Google, Suse or Canonical very well. …

Pondering the future of the Document Foundation

This past week we had had the pleasure to welcome both our new marketing assistant and the new board of directors of the Document Foundation. I would like to say a few words on where the Document Foundation stands now – and I must stress that I’m confident the new …

News from mu

I have been writing several posts about emacs but today I would like to specifically tell my readers about the nifty tool I use for email management, mu and its main component, mu4e. Just before I start, let me briefly remind a few things about email on emacs: there’s not …

In Memoriam of John McCreesh & FOSDEM 2016

I was about to write about the main topic of this post, namely FOSDEM 2016 when we learned of the death of someone who was a really nice and gentle human being, John McCreesh. For those who may not know John, it’s important to say that while he was not …

FOSS projects and their legal structures

Free Software has been growing pretty much everywhere around the world, and so much so that we now face challenges nobody would have thought possible even ten years ago. One of these unexpected issues is the need for proper legal structures. Traditionally, only a handful of entities used to exist. …

Does the Open Document Format still matter?

One of the core topics of this blog -at least one of the main reasons it came to existence- was open standards: their benefits, their advantages, and their value as a fundamental component for digital innovation and ultimately software freedom. This is still the case of course, but today I …

Rolling and tumbling

Recently I realized that it has been over 5 years I’ve been using Arch Linux continuously, one one or two of my computers. I have been using it in professional environment on my laptop and my workstation; I have been using it as a “home entertainment platform”, as it were, …

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