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Free Software

Letting dogs bark and answering real questions

I was expecting the point in time during the setup phase of the Document Foundation where we would start to hear the first critics and doubts about what we are doing and where we’re heading. This is never a good time, not because the questions make me uncomfortable, but because …

Links for the end of April

I am having a very busy month of April, but I mean, a really busy one. I am alive and kicking, but I am swamped. Here’s a couple of links before an even more active month of May: Ars Aperta has contributed to a pretty interesting project, dubbed ODFgr and …

What does Community really mean? (Part 2)

In the first part of this essay I attempted to describe how communities around Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) projects are born and what is their underlying model. After having described the conditions necessary to have communities emerge around Free and Open Source Software I used Simon Phipps’ s …

What does Community really mean? (Part 1)

How do you define”Community” in Free and Open Source Software projects? What are the roles of a community? How does one become part of a community? I think these are important questions the LibreOffice project and the Free & Open Source Software in general, and I would like to talk …

Back from FOSDEM, time for links!

It’s been two busy weeks for me: Releasing LibreOffice 3.3, working on several professional projects, attending FOSDEM, etc. In a word, I got swamped but I’m coming back. Below is a series of links for February: LibreOffice 3.3.1 RC1 is released. You will mostly notice the new icons unless you …

Yes We Can

Yesterday the Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 3.3 . I guess you may already have seen the news if you read this blog. I wanted to express my joy and my pride of our community who made this release possible. Not only did we make our first release, but we …

It’s the Document, stupid!

Today the Document Foundation has issued a press release that marks the beginning of something exciting; but it’s likely that not a lot of people will understand what’s being explained through the multiple layers of buzz and general statements that were made. Here’s the statement: “”The Document Foundation is about …

Links for the beginning of November

The light is shed on OOXML; I’ve lost count of how many officious, ISO sub-versions (and subversions) , alongside the proprietary formats also called OOXML but used in MS Office are now floating in the air. In any case, this short document from the ODF Alliance explains this obscure matter …

Leaving the project

Today is a special day. I feel both sad and relieved, happy and somewhat disgusted. I have officially resigned from all my duties, roles and positions inside the project. My resignation is effective immediately and I am leaving the project. I will now be contributing to the Document Foundation, …

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