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Losing the Art of Wiki

The past few months I read here and there around the LibreOffice community complaints about our wiki. According to these sources, our wiki is unusable, chaotic and poorly maintained. As we have a full time team dedicated to infrastructure management I am pretty sure that last criticism is unjustified to …

Pondering the future of the Document Foundation

This past week we had had the pleasure to welcome both our new marketing assistant and the new board of directors of the Document Foundation. I would like to say a few words on where the Document Foundation stands now – and I must stress that I’m confident the new …

LibreOffice 5.1- an unusual release

The Document Foundation just released LibreOffice 5.1 and I would like to share some personal views about it. First: give it a try, you will be impressed both by the performance and the changes in the user interface. You can then check the abridged release notes here and the full, …

In Memoriam of John McCreesh & FOSDEM 2016

I was about to write about the main topic of this post, namely FOSDEM 2016 when we learned of the death of someone who was a really nice and gentle human being, John McCreesh. For those who may not know John, it’s important to say that while he was not …

Status report on Emacs

It has been some time I have not shared some news about my increasing use of Emacs. This post will be just about that. Let me quickly summarize what I do with Emacs on a daily basis: email (mu4e) note taking (org-mode) blogging (org-mode, markdown, html) project management (org-mode) IRC …

The way you write

As the first post of 2016 on this blog I was wondering what I would be writing about. Not that I am lacking ideas but I was tinkering with a post about those never-happening new year resolutions. I ended up dropping this idea in favor of a question that is …

LibreOffice Online is here!

This week Collabora has shown an early testing version of the cloud version of LibreOffice integrated with an Owncloud instance. To me and others, this marks a significant milestone in the story of LibreOffice and the Document Foundation. I’m aware that the code is not stabilized and there’s much work …

Does the Open Document Format still matter?

One of the core topics of this blog -at least one of the main reasons it came to existence- was open standards: their benefits, their advantages, and their value as a fundamental component for digital innovation and ultimately software freedom. This is still the case of course, but today I …

Join us at the Open Source Summit in Paris !

Short announcement: I’ll be speaking at the Open Source Summit in Paris on the 18th of November: the panel discussion will be about community and contributors’ engagement (the panel is dubbed “from the individual to the collective and the collective to the individual…”). You will find more information here and …

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