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So you thought controlled ODF? Think again…

These news are a week old, but I thought it would be wise to have the dust settle a bit before writing about them. What was announced last week? The project had opened a project called the ODF Toolkit. What this project was all about, really, was to design …

Links for the end of October

I am bit swamped these days, and you must have noticed it by now. These things happen: lots of work items, lots of backlog, and lots of exhaustion as well. Since I don’t want to leave this blog « unattended » for even 2 or three weeks, I am posting today some …

The Speech

Louis Suarez-Potts uploaded the speech he gave on the OOo 3 Launch Party both in English and in French. Mine was given in French for obvious reasons. I thought some of my francophone readers would be interested in it as well. Enjoy!   Bonsoir, et merci à tous d’être là. …

The Party, the Crash, and the 3.0

Now it’s been days, and more than a week I haven’t blogged. The reason is simple: I was swamped. But I ended up exhausted and happy. We’ve been releasing the 3.0. Yes, we did it, and we also threw a major party at the headquarters of the Region Île de …

Join us at the 3.0 Launch Party, 13th of October, 19h30, Paris!

More information and registration link here. To answer to the question many around are asking: No, 3.0 has not been released yet. Target date is now 13th or 14th of October, and there will be a RC 4 coming in on Monday. In the meantime, I hope to see …

What a day…

Yesterday I was honored to receive the “Lutèce d’Or” trophy on behalf of the Project from the hands of Mr Besson, Minister of the Prospective and Digital Technologies of the French Republic. There was a standing ovation, but this one was not so much dedicated to my humble person …

Celebrating Freedom

Right since the beginning of September we are being litteraly submerged by the number of events promoting around the world. Let me summarize those for you; I hope you will see that we have something for everyone these days!  The first even to come is the NLC Meeting in …

Miscellanea before leaving on vacation

I have not been blogging for a week now but as it turns out, I have been microblogging. I do have a Twitter account but I am now using my account much more regularly. Of course microblogging does not replace blogging. I guess it opens a new channel for …

Microsoft’s road to Canossa

Who would have believed it a few months ago? Who could tell Microsoft would “clarify” the coverage of its OSP and extend it to cover the GPL and FOSS developers as well as users? Clearly, pigs might actually fly, and Groklaw does think the same way. As it was not …

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