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OOXML gets a fix in Geneva and other news of the weird (Links)

That’s right, OOXML actually got a little bit better in Geneva. Not slimmer, not faster, not anymore standards compliant nor open. No. It just got weirder. See what one delegate from Brazil has to say about it. Now, there is even weirder : New rules seemed to have been written …

OOXML issues not solved during the BRM

Update: I think the article from CIO says it all. The Head of Delegation of the ANSI (USA) explains what  went wrong. I think it’s a pity that the BRM ended up like this. In a nutshell, the whole idea of the BRM was to discuss the proposals from Ecma and the …

Becoming a better company: Microsoft helps NGOs in India

  This example of corporate citizenship is striking, and brought me to tears. Microsoft helps NGOs in India, a fascinating country with a fast-growing economy, but unfortunately with strong social inequalities and poverty. I find it deeply moving, and socially responsible that such a large and wealthy corporation has found the …

Rumours of Microsoft opening up greatly exaggerated

Before you run away from this page thinking that I will vomit the snakes of hell on Microsoft’s latest press release, I just wanted clarify that it will not be the case, because I think the message Microsoft has sent yesterday has been completely misunderstood. Here’s why. To be sure, …

When is sophism not sophism?

Short Answer: When it becomes manipulation. And before some of the Microsofties coiled in their upscale building of the rue de l’Université in Paris start to wonder if they should not be doing something about me, let me just point you to this link: The now famous Plamondon Files, one …

Try Harder!

I think my trip to Geneva is going to be exciting. Exciting and interesting at the same time. There will be surprizes, laughters, and laments. But mind you, Geneva does not matter. It never mattered. The OOXML camp is trying to lure you into thinking that anything bad that could …

This hospital is making fun of charity funds

The title of this piece is an old French saying. You will soon understand what it means. Forget a moment about the Microsoft-Yahoo stories. They’re important, although even the best take on them, in my opinion, still largely misses one important element of the proposed deal: Namely, that such an …

Three reasons to feel outraged this week-end

Microsoft claims it was IBM who really screwed the whole OOXML standardization process. I beg to differ. Ars Aperta did most of the work! And it does not stop there. Ars Aperta is secretly in command of IBM (that’s the High Command Center against Microsoft and Everything American I have …

The OOXML bunch is boringly disappointing.

And I’m not afraid to write it again: What are you guys think you’re doing? Level up the fight, I’m yawning! First there is that “oh, we forgot we never gave you the specs of our binary file format” game popping up again through Brian Jones, as if nobody had …

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