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Open Standards
No Google Reader? No Problem!
Here’s something funny: Many people complain about Google shutting down Google Reader, and frankly I also happen to use it myself. True enough, I tend to use it less and less with social networks but sometimes I do use news reader. The real issue that nobody really picked up is …
On keeping a name relevant
“Moved by Freedom – Powered by Standards”. This blog has been going on under that title for quite some time; since September 2007 exactly. I ran an older blog without the same name and title. These days, I’m still in the ODF development and promotion in various capacities, but I …
Why the Terra Nova foundation’s report on digital France matters
Last Wednesday I was one of the speakers at an event organized by the french Terra Nova Foundation. The event itself was the publication of its much anticipated report on the state of “digital France”, which really means that the report covers a broad range of topics from I.T industry …
Two Years
Two years ago, the community decided to break away from the domination of one vendor and instead create an independent foundation that would host the free and open source office suite “for the next decade”. I could not help but re-read a few of my posts then, you can …
Software Freedom & the status quo
Next Saturday, the 15th of September, we will all celebrate the Software Freedom Day 2012. As usual, it will be a worldwide event with lots of big and small conferences, parties and presentations happening all around the globe and driven by teams of volunteers. Such a day highlights the momentum …
Celebrating ODF… and a lot of other good things.
Tomorrow, I’ll be flying with Melissa to our honeymoon somewhere in the Mediterranean. It will be our first and well deserved vacations for over a year now. In this warm and quite busy month of August (my friends at Mandriva will know what I mean), I am reminded of something …
Links for the end of May
Fascinating article about the follow-up of the Google-Oracle lawsuit; of course, it’s worth pointing out that despite all the FUD, the “patent case” itself is over. In a different style and on a different topic, yet still belonging to the FOSS/Legal discussion, here are Richard Fontana’s latest presentation slides, specifically …
RANDom links on RAND and open standards
As the British Cabinet Office opened a consultation on open standards and the best procurement practices for the United Kingdom’s public sector a wave of lobbyists, flown in from the US or just homegrown on British soil, came flocking the Cabinet offices near St James a few weeks ago. The …