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Eyes & Ears – September Session

Welcome to the Eyes ans Ears’s September 2015 session! This month we’ll dive deep into ambient and electro tracks. Let’s start with what some would call a classic by an artist who’s already been on the Eyes and Ears sessions, Melorman. His track “Away” is actually several years old but …

Eyes & Ears – August edition

Welcome to this month’s Eyes and Ears session! Today we have a collection of books to start with as well as a beautiful mix from Steve Jones and Sally Rodgers, better known as A Man Called Adam. We will also be exploring fine remixes and tunes from some of Eyes …

Eyes & Ears July session

Welcome to the Eyes and Ears’ session of July 2015! This month we are going to “pump up” the volume a bit – however we’ll still be listending at mostly chill-out tracks. You know, it’s Summer season and it’s good to get some drums going up! Without much further ado …

Eyes & Ears – June edition

Welcome to this month’s edition of Eyes and Ears. Today we have a rather eclectic choice as we’ll listen to ambient music, deep house, as well as rock and folk tracks. And without much further ado, let’s start with one of my favourite artists, Melorman, who’s often featured in the …

Music players on Linux: choice or confusion?

Using Linux on the desktop on your computers will lead anyone to rely on a media or music player. A media player may not play movies (contrary to a movie player) but should be able to handle playlists, albums, and podcasts. What people quickly discover though is that the Linux …

Eyes & Ears – May Edition

Welcome to the May edition of Eyes & Ears! First let me apologize for the issues with the server that happened this week; a series of incidents happened but everything’s running back again, thanks to Daniel Memetic who’s been hosting this blog for quite a long number of years. Daniel …

Eyes and Ears – April Edition

Welcome to this new edition of Eyes and Ears. Today we’ll start with two books – it’s been a long time I have not updated my reading list. Books This book has been written by Laurent Liscia, current executive director of the OASIS Consortium (yes, the consortium where ODF is …

Eyes & Ears – March Edition

Welcome to this month’s edition of Eyes and Ears. This week we will be sticking to ambient tunes but we will also share the public preview of Chicane’s latest albums in order to raise our heartbeats and goosebumps just a tad. Without much further ado, here’s Chicane’s album preview: Now …

Eyes and Ears – February Edition

Welcome to this edition of Eyes and Ears. The northern hemisphere has now entered its coldest time of the Winter Season and therefore we will both try to remain in theme while trying to dream and travel far away with music and a book. At the end of the session …

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